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Thyroglobulin test (tg test) Test

  • Sample Type : Blood
  • Parameters : 1
  • Report Time : 24/48 Hrs
  • Home Collection: Yes
  • Fasting : Not Required
  • Age Group: All
OFFER PRICE:  ₹1090 ₹1350 30% off


Thyroglobulin test (tg test)
07+ booked in last 3 days

Thyroglobulin is a protein mostly found in your butterfly-shaped Thyroid gland. Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) hormones before being released to your bloodstream are stored as Thyroglobulin in your thyroid gland. While minimal Thyroglobulin levels in your blood are considered non-alarming, higher than the normal or reference range might be an indicator of underlying health complications, especially cancers of the Thyroid gland. 

A Thyroglobulin Test is administered to check your Thyroglobulin levels at any point in time as a tumor marker test. While a Thyroglobulin Blood Test can not be leveraged to identify thyroid cancers especially Papillary or Follicular thyroid cancer, the test results can be leveraged to investigate the efficacy of the cancer treatment and to plan further treatment or management modalities. 

Learn everything about thyroglobulin Test before you book lab test online. Understand the why, how, and what of this test.

Why Do I Need a Thyroglobulin Test? 

Your healthcare provider will recommend a thyroglobulin test to 

  • Analyze the efficacy of the cancer treatment 
  • Plan the future course of treatment or management for Thyroid gland cancers 
  • Analyse or predict the future behavior of Thyroid cancers 
  • Check for scope for cancer relapse 
  • Compare the normal Thyroglobulin levels against the real-time values before initiating Thyroid cancer treatments 
  • Diagnose Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism as these may raise the Thyroglobulin levels in your bloodstream 


How To Prepare for Thyroglobulin Blood  Testing?

For the thyroglobulin blood testing, fasting is typically not required. Consult your healthcare provider for specific instructions. Additionally, inform your provider about medications, avoid intense exercise, and provide a comprehensive medical history for a thorough assessment of your metabolic health.

Should you book blood test online to check your Thyroglobulin levels or go to the nearest clinic and get it done by a medical professional? Let's Find Out

Can I Take Thyroglobulin Blood Test At Home?

Yes, the thyroglobulin blood testing can be taken at home. HealthcareOnTime’s at-home lab testing service in association with Thyrocare, provides a convenient and efficient way to get important medical tests done from the comfort of your place, without the need for a doctor's visit or a trip to a lab. It is always preferable to consult with a healthcare provider about any concerns regarding your test results.

How Much Does Thyroglobulin Test Cost?

Are you curious about the Thyroglobulin Test and its role in thyroid health assessment? At HealthcareOnTime, we prioritize cost-effective solutions, providing crucial insights into your thyroid function through the Thyroglobulin Test.

The Thyroglobulin Test cost can vary based on factors like your location, healthcare provider, and insurance coverage. However, we're pleased to offer this important test at an affordable rate of just INR 1090! Our prices remain competitive in the market while upholding the highest quality standards.

In India, the Thyroglobulin Test cost typically starts at INR 800, varying by the laboratory and city. Staying informed about your Thyroglobulin levels is crucial for proactive thyroid management.

But here's the exciting part – HealthcareOnTime is committed to making healthcare accessible to all. We provide valuable services, including affordable Thyroglobulin testing, in over 4500+ pin codes nationwide.

You've received your Thyroglobulin blood Test results, but you may still be uncertain about whether they fall within the normal range. Continue reading this section to gain clarity on whether your results are within the expected range or not.

What Does thyroglobulin blood test Results Mean?

The results of a Thyroglobulin Test may vary based on the labs, the testing methods used, and the standard reference ranges set by the labs. Also, the results of the test can be affected by the presence of thyroglobulin antibodies in the blood, which can interfere with the test and cause a false thyroglobulin level.

3 to 40 ng/mL is considered as the Thyroglobulin normal range. [1]

Anything below this normal range might indicate that your thyroid cancer treatments have been successful or there has been no relapse at the moment. 

Surgical interventions are leveraged to eliminate healthy as well as cancerous cells from the thyroid gland responsible for releasing Thyroglobulin protein. If your Thyroglobulin levels remain high or unchanging even after treatment measures for Thyroid cancer or other disorders, it might mean that the treatment is not yielding the desired results. This may also mean that the cancer is progressing and has progressed to neighboring body organs. 

If your thyroglobulin levels were initially below the normal range following treatment but subsequently increased, it could indicate a potential relapse of cancer.

Periodic Thyroglobulin Lab Testing is highly recommended for you to stay vigilant and seek necessary preventive, treatment, and management measures. 

What Medical Conditions Can Cause High Thyroglobulin Levels? 

Elevated thyroglobulin levels can be indicative of various conditions related to the thyroid gland. Conditions that might cause your Thyroglobulin levels to surge include:

  • Any disorder or cancer of the follicular cells in the Thyroid gland 
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • The presence of Thyroid nodules 
  • Genetic defects 
  • Viral infections 
  • Excess iodine consumption 
  • Stress 
  • Goiter
  • Thyroiditis
  • Destruction of Thyroid follicles due to Thyroid nodules  

What Medical Conditions Can Cause Low Thyroglobulin Levels? 

Lower than normal Thyroglobulin levels usually occur after complete removal of Thyroid tissues and cancerous tissues. However, the Thyroglobulin levels must be assessed periodically to diagnose the relapse of Thyroid cancer or any other disorder. 

Here are some conditions that can cause low thyroglobulin levels:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Iodine Deficiency
  • Congenital Hypothyroidism

Convenience at Your Doorstep

Ever wished for healthcare that comes to you? HealthcareOnTime makes it a reality with doorstep lab testing, cutting out clinic hassles. No more queues or travel stress. Experience at-home sample collection, prioritizing health without time constraints. —your path to health, now just a doorstep away!

Affordable Testing with Thyrocare Partnership

Experience cost-effective lab testing at-home with HealthcareOnTime's exclusive partnership with Thyrocare. Benefit from competitive prices while ensuring precise results. Our collaboration with Thyrocare Technologies Limited guarantees affordability without compromising on the accuracy and reliability of your lab test.

Comprehensive Health Screening

At HealthcareOnTime, we've got your back with our comprehensive health checkup packages! Take charge of your well-being by booking online. These packages empower you to stay ahead, catching potential issues early for timely management. It's like having a health ally, and making informed decisions for a healthier, happier life.

Disclaimer: Although we have endeavoured to provide accurate information on this page, we strongly recommend that you seek advice from your doctor before relying on any of the test ranges or lab-test recommendations mentioned herein.


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FAQs around Thyroglobulin test

What level of thyroglobulin indicates cancer?

There is no specific thyroglobulin level that indicates cancer, Elevated thyroglobulin levels can arise from both benign and malignant conditions, including thyroid cancer [2]. Extremely high thyroglobulin levels may signify metastatic or recurrent disease, while a progressive increase in levels could signal potential cancer recurrence. It is crucial to interpret thyroglobulin results in the broader clinical context, utilizing additional diagnostic tools, as these levels alone do not provide a conclusive diagnosis but serve as essential indicators for monitoring thyroid health and potential cancer progression

What is a thyroglobulin panel?

A thyroglobulin panel is also known as a thyroglobulin tumor marker test. The thyroglobulin panel comprises two key tests: 

The Thyroglobulin test: Measures the level of thyroglobulin in the blood.

Thyroglobulin antibody test: Detects the presence of thyroglobulin antibodies in the blood, which can interfere with the accuracy of the thyroglobulin test

Can thyroglobulin be high without cancer?

No specific thyroglobulin level indicates cancer. Elevated levels occur in benign and malignant conditions, including thyroid cancer. Thyroglobulin levels alone aren't sensitive or specific for thyroid cancer; interpretation requires considering medical history and other tests. For well-differentiated thyroid cancer, thyroglobulin monitors treatment effectiveness and recurrence. Very high levels may indicate metastasis or recurrence, suggesting possible cancer recurrence. 

How often should thyroglobulin levels be monitored after thyroid cancer treatment?

After undergoing thyroid cancer treatment, it is crucial to regularly monitor thyroglobulin levels for potential recurrence. According to JAMA Network, testing should occur every 3 to 6 months for the first 2 years post-thyroidectomy and then every 6 to 12 months thereafter, depending on individual circumstances. The testing frequency may vary based on the patient's specific situation, and it is essential to interpret results considering the patient's medical history and treatment. Elevated thyroglobulin levels may signal a potential cancer recurrence, while decreasing levels may indicate the cancer's regression. Additionally, the presence of thyroglobulin antibodies in the blood can impact the accuracy of the test results [3]

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  • Disclaimer: HealthcareOnTime offers extensively researched information, including laboratory testing for health screening. However, we must emphasize that this content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always prioritize consulting your healthcare provider for accurate medical guidance and personalized treatment. Remember, your health is of paramount importance, and only a qualified medical professional can make precise determinations regarding your well-being. Protection Status Protection Status Protection Status