Thyrocare TGS Profile For Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment
Posted By HealthcareOnTime
Posted on 2021-07-04
Taking antibiotics when they are not needed can
cause some bacteria to become resistant to the
antibiotic and these resistant bacteria are in fact
stronger and harder to kill. They stay in the body and
are capable of causing severe illnesses that are almost
incurable. One such illness is Multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR-TB) which is difficult to treat and
has indeed become a man-made problem. While
tuberculosis is hundred percent curable, often
mismanagement of tuberculosis paves the way to drug
resistant tuberculosis.
This particularly dangerous form of TB caused by
mutant form of tubercle bacilli is resistant to two of the
most powerful anti-TB drugs, isoniazid and rifampicin.
A random mutation occurs in the bacterial
chromosome and facilitates the bacteria with drug
resistance property. These mutations occur at a low
rate, which varies depending on the drug. If large
numbers of TB bacilli are present and the patient is
treated with one drug, it eliminates the organism
susceptible to that drug but organisms resistant to
that drug remain unaffected. Eventually resistant
bacilli make up a substantial proportion of bacterial
population and clinical drug resistance occurs.
MDR-TB develops due to error in TB management such
as the use of single drug to treat TB, the addition of a
single drug to a failing regimen, the failure to identify
preexisting resistance, the initiation of an inadequate
regimen using first line anti tubercular drugs and
varaitions in bioavailability of anti-TB drugs
predispose the patients to the development of MDR-
TB. Most of the problems from which drug resistance
originates are related to length of treatment. The
longer time required to treat MDR-TB clearly implies
an additional risk of poor treatment adherence and
consequently of treatment failure. TB
control program implemented in past has also
partially contributed to the development of drug
resistance due to poor follow up and infrastructure .
Newer anti-TB drugs, immunotherapy, nutritional Cyclic ,
enhancement, surgery, Mycobacterium vaccae Peptides
vaccination and cytokine therapy are also helpful for
the management of MDR-TB.
Book TB whole genome sequencing profile
Direct observation therapy strategy (DOTS) is key
ingredient in the TB control strategy. But the
emergence of drug resistant strains is known to
reduce the efficacy of treatment. The outcome of
treatment of patients infected with organisms
resistant to rffampicin and isoniazid (MDR) have
a high rate of treatment failure. Based on an
awareness of the multiple difficulties faced by any
large scale intervention aimed at fighting MDR-TB, a
special initiative has been launched within the frame
work of the global TB strategy worldwide called
DOTS-Plus. The DOTS-Plus strategy of identifying
and treating patients with MDR-TB appears to have
the potential to be effectively implemented on a
nationwide scale .
Tuberculosis is easy to diagnose but diagnosis of
MDR-TB depends on reliable and expensive culture
and sensitivity test that are not available in most
parts of the world. The second line drugs used in
cases of MDR-TB are often less effective, more likely
to cause side effects and are expensive. Isoniazid
and Rifampicin are the key stone drugs in the
management of TB. TB patients must take these
standard drugs alongwith pyrazinamide and ethambutol
daily for six months. As observed some may begin to feel
better after a month, which tends to lead them to skip
doses, but if they stop taking the drugs for any reason,
the drugs may become ineffective and multi-drug
resistant TB may result. MDR-TB can be cured with
lengthy treatment of second-line drugs, to be continued
for 18 months along with a monthly repeated sputum
culture. But, about 90% discontinue the treatment as it is expensive.
While resistance to either of the two drugs can be
managed with other first line drugs, MDR-TB demands
treatment with second line drugs that have limited
sterilizing capacity and are more toxic. The research
being expensive, slow and difficult, and requiring
specialized facilities for handling Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, no new drug except rifabutin and
rifapentine has been marketed for TB in the last 40
years after the release of Rifampicin.
tuberculosis is a challenge to
TB control due to
its complex diagnostic
and treatment
WHO Fact -
There are "point-of-care"
tests in the pipeline,
10 TB drugs in trials,
and 10 vaccine candidates
for the prevention of TB
in Phase I or Phase II trials.
According to the WHO, almost 50 per cent of patients
affected by the multidrug-resistant form of TB will die
because no drugs are strong enough to treat them.
India is supposed to have about one lakh patients
suffering from MDR TB. In order to counter the threat
of such a global epidemic, Indian government is taking
several measures like focused clinical radiological and
bacteriologic follow-up, judicious use of anti-TB drugs,
availability of high quality second line drugs,
implementation of DOTS-plus for intensive diagnostic
and therapeutic management of MDR-TB and many more.
Last but not the least, the latest scare is about the
occurrence of extreme drug-resistant strains of TB
(XDR -TB), which have stopped, responding to not only
the first line of anti-TB drugs but also to the second line
as well and a new deadlier form, Totally Drug-
Resistant TB (TDR-TB) which is more feared and
virtually untreatable form of the killer lung disease. It
appears that mankind and bacteria are competing
against each other in trying to 'get smart'. And as the
theory of evolution teaches us, we must realize that in
the end it is going to be the survival of the fittest or shall
we say, smartest ?
Thyrocare is India's first lab to bring in TGS (Tuberculosis Genome Sequencing) technology with DST (Drug sensitivity test) analysis. With state of the art Lab providing with Accurate Reports. TGS profile is an alternative to TB Gold test. Infact TB Gold test can't be even compared with TGS profile since TB Gold is a serology test whereas TGS is a Genome Sequencing test which checks the DNA of TB.