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How to Cure PCOD Permanently: Doctor-Approved Tips & Solutions

HealthcareOnTime Team 2024-05-28 2024-05-29 3 Min Read
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  • how to cure pcod problem permanently

    PCOD means polycystic ovarian disease. It is a common hormone-related disorder that affects thousands and millions of women (of reproductive age) all across the globe. 

    From irregular periods to extreme weight changes to anxiety and depression, PCOD affects the overall quality of life significantly. 

    The worst part is that there is no permanent cure for the PCOD problem in women. However, methods like lifestyle and dietary changes, medicines, natural supplements, and home remedies can help treat and control PCOD effectively. 

    Did you know: 

    • Studies based on Rotterdam's criteria have concluded that in India, about 11.34% of all females (females in their reproductive years) have PCOD. 1
    • According to the National Institutes of Health, the prevalence of PCOD has increased from 6% to 9% in regions like the USA, Spain, Australia, the UK, Greece, Mexico, and Asia. 2
    • Weight loss, even if it is only 5% of your total body weight, has a drastically positive impact on improving PCOD symptoms. 3

    Can PCOD Be Cured Permanently? 

    The primary causes of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) can vary from genetic to environmental-related factors. The symptoms, however, stem from the changing hormones that lead to hormone imbalance in women.

    Likewise, when your body produces excess androgens (male hormones), you may experience excessive hair growth and acne. 4

    Therefore, a female hormonal profile test can help you evaluate these hormone levels. Following this, you can take the necessary steps to control PCOD. 

    Moreover, while there is no permanent cure for PCOD, adopting the right lifestyle and dietary changes and using home remedies like natural supplements can help manage its symptoms. 5

    Debunking 3 Common Myths About PCOD

    There are many myths surrounding PCOD. Many people believe that PCOD makes it hard to have children and leads to a complicated life. However, both assertions are untrue.

    Even though a permanent cure for PCOD does not exist currently, the treatments that are now available can empower patients to have healthy pregnancies and live normal and fulfilling lives.

    Below, we have debunked the three most common myths about polycystic ovarian disease.

    1. Women With PCOD Cannot Get Pregnant

    The most common misconception that most people have is that women with PCOD cannot bear a child. It is not the same for everyone. There are many cases of PCOD women who were able to become pregnant naturally without the need for medical intervention. 

    Women with infertility issues can get treatments for PCOD to help them conceive successfully. 6

    2. PCOD Is Not Just About Weight

    Many people with PCOD get to hear statements like "It's all because of overeating. You eat less, and your problem will be solved." 7

    That is because, generally, overweight females are at a higher risk of PCOD. But even those at a healthy weight or underweight women can also have PCOD. 8

    Moreover, while weight gain (especially around the waist area) is one of the most common symptoms of PCOD, it is not the only thing to worry about.

    PCOD is also about: 

    • Severe hair loss
    • Irregular periods
    • Acne
    • And sometimes, even infertility

    However, the reason why weight loss is considered a primary step towards controlling PCOD is because it is directly related to increasing the risk of developing diseases such as:

    • Diabetes (it is related to insulin malfunctioning)
    • High cholesterol (a leading cause of several heart diseases)
    • High blood pressure (the medical term is hypertension)
    • Endometrial cancer (a cancer of the uterus or womb)
    • Sleep apnea (loss of breath while sleeping)  9

    3. You Can Still Live a Fulfilling Life With PCOD

    PCOD affects your menstrual cycles, makes you gain weight, and also has an emotional and psychological impact on your health. But that does not mean that you cannot live a happy and healthy life with PCOD. 

    Likewise, while there is no permanent cure for the PCOD problem, there are many ways in which you can lead a fulfilling life even when you have the disease. 

    Eating a balanced diet, managing your stress levels by using relaxation techniques, avoiding smoking and drinking, and indulging in regular physical exercise are the top ways to control PCOD effectively. 10

    In the section below, we have mentioned in detail the possible ways you can adopt to treat and control PCOD, if not cure it permanently. 

    How to Cure PCOD Permanently: 3 Natural Ways

    Taking a hormone imbalance test allows you to assess the hormonal levels in your body and determine the severity of your condition. Following the test results, you can make dietary changes, use home remedies, and get a suitable treatment for PCOD. 

    1. Diet 

    People with PCOD are at a higher risk of many diseases, ranging from diabetes to heart disorders. Therefore, eating a well-balanced diet is very important when you're seeking treatment for PCOD. 

    Below, we have provided two detailed lists of what you should eat and avoid when you have PCOD.

    Foods to eat to control PCOD:

    • Unprocessed foods
    • Nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pine nuts, etc.) 
    • Green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, cauliflower, etc. 
    • Oily fish like salmon, sardines, and tuna
    • Fruits such as blueberries, cherries, red grapes, blackberries, etc.
    • Healthy fats like avocados and olive oil
    • Certain anti-inflammatory spices (examples include cinnamon and turmeric)
    • Food items that contain high-fibre
    • Dark chocolate (only in limited quantities)

    Foods that you must avoid if you have PCOD:

    • Refined carbohydrates, which are typically found in white bread and mass-produced pastries
    • Heavily processed meats like sausages, luncheon meats, and hot dogs
    • High-sugar beverages like energy drinks and sodas
    • Solid fats (lard and margarine)
    • Red meat varieties like pork and steak
    • Fast food options such as hamburgers and fried dishes
    • Food items that have high sodium content (salty foods)

    Apart from this, you can also choose specific diets along with the PCOD treatment. However, what diet would work for you depends on your situation and your doctor's recommendations. 

    Here are three such diets:

    • A low-GI diet: GI means glycaemic index. It is related to sugar processing in the blood and insulin regulation. The diet includes whole grains, legumes, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, and starchy vegetables. 
    • An anti-inflammatory diet: Anti-inflammatory foods help balance hormonal levels. These include berries, oily fish, leafy greens, and extra virgin olive oil. 
    • The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet: Primarily recommended for managing heart disorders, the DASH diet is also a helpful dietary change that can be a valuable addition to your PCOD treatment. This type of diet includes fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, etc. 11

    2. Lifestyle Changes 

    A change in the lifestyle habits of a PCOD patient is generally the first line of treatment suggested for disease management. 12 

    Following a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, and adequate sleep are some of the best ways to control PCOD. 

    2.1. Weight Loss Strategies

    If you are a PCOD patient who is overweight, losing weight is highly beneficial for you because of the following reasons:

    • It improves the functioning of your medication
    • It can also help you deal with infertility issues
    • It improves the overall quality of your life

    Getting engaged in regular physical exercise and taking a low-calorie diet are some great ways to lose weight.

    2.2. Physical Activity

    Since lack of physical activity leads to obesity and insulin resistance, regularly exercising is essential to control PCOD. Vigorous exercise for at least 2 hours every seven days is instrumental in PCOD treatment and management.

    Some examples of exercises that you can undertake include the following:

    • Brisk walking
    • Biking
    • Swimming
    • Sit-ups
    • Push-ups
    • Leg squats
    • Lifting weights

    Apart from these, you can also try mind-body exercises, as people who have PCOD are at a higher risk of suffering from anxiety and depression problems. So, opt for relaxing exercises that are good for your mental health. 

    Examples include: 

    • Yoga
    • Tai Chi
    • Qi Gong
    • Pilates 13

    2.3. Sleep 

    In comparison to healthy women, women with PCOD are more likely to go through sleep disturbances. Since sleep regulates the hormone cortisol and helps manage stress levels, it is a vital component in the treatment of PCOD. 

    That is why you must take the right steps to get proper, undisturbed sleep every day. Here is how you can do it:

    • Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night
    • Make sure that you sleep at the same time every day so that your body comes into an automatic routine
    • Avoid drinking coffee or having any fatty foods before bed. 14

    3. Home Remedies 

    Apart from dietary and lifestyle changes, the natural treatment for PCOD also comprises home remedies like giving up certain habits, taking supplements, and opting for healthier herbal ingredients in your day-to-day life. Below, we have mentioned in detail how these factors contribute to helping you control PCOD. 

    3.1. Supplements

    PCOD supplements claim to have the following benefits:

    • Improve hormonal regulation
    • Anti-inflammatory properties
    • Decrease insulin resistance

    Here is a list of some of the most beneficial supplements to control PCOD:

    • Inositol Supplements: Inositol is a type of vitamin B that helps with insulin resistance. Research has also shown that it helps with infertility problems. 
    • Chromium Supplements: These aid in metabolising sugar, stabilising insulin resistance, and improving BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is directly related to weight changes. 
    • Zinc Supplements: Zinc is beneficial for immunity. It enhances fertility and helps with hair loss problems like alopecia. 

    It is essential to speak with an expert before taking any supplement. 

    3.2. Herbal Drinks

    If you are somebody who runs to coffee for more productivity and a better mood, then it might be the reason for your imbalanced oestrogen and other hormonal levels. That is why eliminating coffee from your diet is a crucial PCOD home remedy. 

    Likewise, you can try other healthier alternatives, like:

    • Herbal teas
    • Kombucha (as it has probiotic properties)
    • Green tea (which encourages weight loss and enhances insulin resistance)

    PCOD Treatment: Importance of Early Diagnosis and Management 

    All in all, there is no one particular way to cure PCOD permanently. However, an early diagnosis can help you get the right treatment for PCOD at the right time. Thus, ultimately, you can adopt management techniques and live a healthier life with the disease. 

    PCOD is not about 'one treatment fits' all because individual circumstances vary for everyone. A PCOD profile test is the first and most common step to help analyse your condition very well. Along with this, your doctor might also recommend a pelvic exam, several blood tests, and an ultrasound. 

    This early diagnosis will help your doctor determine:

    • Which symptoms do you have, and how severe are they? 
    • How much has the disease progressed in your case?
    • What is your overall health condition, along with any other medications that you are taking (if present)? 

    Following the test results, you can choose healthier lifestyle habits along with taking a balanced, healthy diet and prescription medicines or supplements to control PCOD effectively. 

    Remember that, regardless of what medicines you take, booking a full-body checkup and getting a blood checkup at home at regular intervals is important for evaluating your progress. When your doctor knows your current health status, they can suggest better treatment and management techniques to make room for even more improvement. 


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