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  • GERD Diet Plan: What Foods Neutralize Stomach Acid Immediately

GERD Diet Plan: What Foods Neutralize Stomach Acid Immediately

HealthcareOnTime 2024-03-10 2024-03-11 3 Min Read
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  • GERD Diet Plan: What Foods Neutralize Stomach Acid Immediately

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), commonly known as acid reflux or heartburn, is where the acid in your stomach constantly flows to your oesophagus. This condition can lead to heartburn, pain in your upper abdomen, trouble swallowing, and a sensation of a lump in your throat.1

    Could Specific Diets Aid Individuals Managing Acid Reflux?

    While you might be prescribed medicines to reduce this acid influx, modifying your diet also plays a key role in controlling GERD. Research suggests that certain diets can help you get rid of GERD and improve your digestive system. So, if you're wondering what foods neutralise stomach acid immediately, here's all you need to know.

    List of Best Foods For Acidity (Heartburn)

    Do you often search the Internet for what to eat for indigestion or what foods neutralize stomach acid immediately because you want a quick solution? well,

    Choosing the right foods is crucial for managing acid reflux symptoms effectively. Here's an extensive list of foods to eat with acid reflux that are generally considered safe for individuals with acidity 2:

    • Lean proteins such as skinless chicken, turkey breast, and fish provide essential amino acids without adding unnecessary fat, which can exacerbate reflux symptoms.
    • Green beans contain a high quantity of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are good for your stomach, especially when you have GERD.
    • Fibrous grains like oatmeal and brown rice are nutritious options and are the ideal food for heartburn. They are also known as complex carbs and have a lot of fibre.
    • It's a myth that you cannot consume fats if you have GERD. Instead, you must have healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and olive oil, which help you maintain weight and give your body the required fat content.

    Let's explore a selection of fruits, vegetables, and juices that can be incorporated into your GERD diet Plan to help manage acidity. These acid-reducing foods tend to be low in acid or offer other beneficial properties, like promoting healthy digestion, that can contribute to overall relief from discomfort.

    Best Fruit for Acidity Relief

    While some fruits, due to their acidity, can trigger acid reflux, others are gentle on the stomach and can help alleviate symptoms. However, as said earlier, in the case of acidity, people often need immediate solutions and want to know what foods neutralise stomach acid immediately. 

    Here's a closer look at some non-acidic fruits 3 that are considered the best options for individuals with acidity issues. The best part? They might be in your fridge right now!

    • Bananas are one of the best fruits you can eat for GERD. They are rich in potassium, which can help neutralise stomach acid and alleviate heartburn symptoms. They also contain pectin, a soluble fibre that promotes digestion and is one of the best fruits that reduce acidity.
    • Red apples are good for acidity 4. They are non-acidic fruits and high in fibre, making them an excellent choice for those with acid reflux. They can help neutralise stomach acid and reduce the risk of heartburn.
    • Other non-citrus fruits like watermelon and pears can contribute to a balanced diet for those reducing acidity.

    If you love munching on some juicy watermelon in summer, you're already on the right track. Watermelons play a key role in improving digestion and gut health. You can consume watermelon juice to reduce the chances of acidity, which makes it the best fruit for acidity 5.

    The summer season calls for some indulgence with mangoes, and why not? Mangoes are slightly acidic but are still considered a good fruit for people with acid reflux 6. Moreover, they have essential nutrients and can be a perfect inclusion in the list of foods to eat with acid reflux. 

    Best Vegetables for Acid Reflex

    Including plenty of vegetables in your diet is essential for overall health, and some vegetables are particularly beneficial for those with acid reflux. Here are some of the best vegetables for acid reflux that you must include in your GERD diet: 

    • Green vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, leafy greens, peas, cucumbers, and Brussels sprouts are known champions in the fight against acid reflux 7. These nutrient-rich options can help prevent and alleviate discomfort. These also contain compounds that may protect the lining of the oesophagus, which makes them a perfect food for heartburn.
    • Carrots are high in beta-carotene and low in acidity. They can prevent inflammation of the oesophagus and reduce acid reflux, making them one of the best foods for acidity.
    • Kale8 is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the category of foods that reduce stomach acid. It is loaded with vitamins and fibres. It is, in fact, one of the best foods for acidity and must be a part of your GERD diet.

    Refreshing Solutions: Juice for Acidity Management

    Do all fruits increase your acidity symptoms? While some are really known to increase the chances of acidity, here are some options for juices for acidity 9:

    • Aloe vera juice is one of the foods that reduce stomach acid. It helps soothe any irritation in the oesophagus and heals the digestive tract from acid reflux.
    • Cabbage juice comes on the list of foods to eat with acid reflux. It has a high content of electrolytes and is low in acidity. It also keeps the body hydrated and can prevent acid reflux. 
    • Cucumber juice is one of the acid-reflux foods to eat, especially if you have GERD. Its alkaline nature helps balance the stomach's acidity and thereby control it. 
    • Carrot juice is known to be an acid-reducing food. It's rich in vitamins and antioxidants and is also alkaline in nature. It's also one of the acid reflux foods to eat if you have GERD symptoms. 

    Strategies for Acid Reflux Dietary Modification

    Wondering what to eat when your stomach burns? While that might be pertinent, apart from making specific food choices, you must also make certain changes to your diet and eating habits to reduce or control acid reflux. Here are some some tips for an acid reflux diet plan: 

    Eat fewer quantities and frequent meals. This helps reduce the burden on your digestive system and avoid acidity or indigestion problems.  You must avoid eating closer to your bedtime. Remember, your food needs to be digested, and your body's digestion rate slows down when you lie down. Moreover, the chances of acid reflux are greater when you lie down. 

    Eat slowly and chew your food well. Doing this can help reduce the risk of swallowing air and, therefore, help you avoid bloating and acidity. 

    Cutting Out the Culprits: Acid Reflux Foods to Avoid

    There are plenty of foods that you can avoid with heartburn. Certain foods can increase the chances of acid reflux symptoms, and it is best to avoid them. Here are some GERD foods to avoid:

    • If you have GERD, you must avoid pineapples as they are one of the fruits that cause acid reflux. They are acidic in nature and might increase the chances of acid reflux. People with GERD can also feel their acid reflux getting worse by consuming pineapple. In short, it is one of the acid-reflux foods to avoid.10
    • Orange juice is also not good for acidity. As they are acidic in nature, they are not the best fruits for acid reflux since they can increase acid reflux.
    • Do you like the marinara sauce on your pizza? Even if you do, you must chuck it out of your GERD diet plan. Tomatoes have a high acid content and are, unfortunately, not one of the vegetables for a GERD diet that you would want on your plate.
    • Spicy foods like chilli peppers, hot sauces, and spicy curries are foods to avoid with heartburn. These can irritate the oesophagus and increase stomach acid production, leading to heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux.
    • Fried and fatty foods like French fries, fried chicken, and greasy burgers can slow digestion and relax the LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) , allowing stomach acid to reflux into the oesophagus. They can also trigger bloating and discomfort.
    • Mint and peppermint can relax the LES and allow stomach acid to reflux into the oesophagus, leading to heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux. They can also trigger bloating and gas.
    • Chocolate contains compounds like theobromine and caffeine, which can relax the LES and increase stomach acid production, leading to heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux 11. It is one of the GERD foods to avoid. 
    • Carbonated beverages like soda, sparkling water, and energy drinks can increase pressure in the stomach and force stomach acid into the oesophagus, leading to heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux.

    GERD Diet Plan for Acid Reflux

    Now that you know what to eat for heartburn, it is also important to have a healthy diet plan. Creating a structured acid reflex diet plan can help individuals manage their GERD symptoms effectively. Here's a sample GERD diet plan:

    • Breakfast: Start the day with a bowl of oatmeal topped with sliced bananas and a drizzle of honey. Oatmeal is one of the best acid-reducing foods, providing fibre to aid digestion. Fibre-rich bananas are gentle on the stomach, too, and can help neutralise stomach acid. You can also have a bowl of fruits that reduce acidity. 
    • Snack: Hungry at a random time of the day but not sure what to eat. Enjoy a serving of carrot sticks with hummus. Carrots are alkaline-forming and rich in beta-carotene, while hummus provides protein and healthy fats to keep you feeling satisfied until your next meal.
    • Lunch: Prepare a grilled chicken salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, and avocado. Grilled chicken is a lean source of protein that is easy to digest, while mixed greens and vegetables provide fibre and essential nutrients. Avocado adds healthy fats to the meal and can help soothe the oesophagus.
    • Snack: For a creamy and satisfying snack, have a serving of Greek yoghurt with a drizzle of honey. Greek yoghurt is rich in probiotics, which can promote digestive health and reduce the risk of acid reflux. Honey adds natural sweetness without the acidity of other sweeteners.
    • Dinner: The nighttime is crucial, and everyone wants to know what to eat for ingestion to avoid acidity at night. You can enjoy baked salmon with steamed broccoli and a side of brown rice. Salmon is a fatty fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Broccoli is alkaline-forming and provides fibre to aid digestion, while brown rice is a complex carbohydrate that provides sustained energy without causing spikes in blood sugar levels.

    Cautionary Measures: Medications to Avoid with GERD

    While medications can help manage GERD symptoms, certain medications can exacerbate acid reflux. Here are some to be cautious of 12:

    • Anticholinergics: Used for conditions like overactive bladder and irritable bowel syndrome (e.g., oxybutynin).
    • Tricyclic antidepressants: Certain antidepressants like amitriptyline and doxepin (Silenor) can worsen reflux.
    • Medications for heart disease and high blood pressure: Some medications, including calcium channel blockers, statins, ACE inhibitors, and nitrates, may contribute to GERD.
    • Narcotics (opioids): Medications with codeine or hydrocodone-acetaminophen combinations.
    • Progesterone: This hormone can relax the lower oesophagal sphincter, potentially worsening reflux.
    • Sedatives and tranquillisers: Benzodiazepines like diazepam (Valium) and temazepam (Restoril) can aggravate symptoms.
    • Theophylline: Used for respiratory conditions, theophylline can also worsen GERD.

    Beyond Medication: Lifestyle Changes to Control Acidity

    Now that you know what to eat for stomach burns, you must know that lifestyle modifications can play a significant role in managing GERD. Although if there are some particular reasons that are making it difficult for you to reduce acidity despite all the efforts, there might be something more worth looking and you are likely to be advised to take one of the master health checkup packages that offer a comprehensive outlook of your body's vital functions and give you a clearer idea about factors that might be making things more challenging for you. Here are some important adjustments to consider:

    Ensuring a healthy weight is crucial for managing GERD symptoms, as excess weight can increase pressure on the stomach and contribute to acid reflux. Aim to achieve and maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) through a balanced diet and regular exercise.

    Elevating the head of the bed while sleeping can help prevent stomach acid from refluxing into the oesophagus. Use bed risers or a wedge pillow to elevate the head of the bed by 6 to 8 inches, ensuring that gravity keeps stomach acid in the stomach during the night.

    Avoiding tight-fitting clothing can help prevent pressure on the abdomen, which can contribute to acid reflux. Choose loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics like cotton and avoid belts or waistbands that constrict the waist.

    Quitting smoking is essential for managing GERD symptoms, as smoking can relax the LES and increase the risk of stomach acid reflux into the oesophagus. Seek support from friends, family, or a healthcare professional to quit smoking and improve your overall health.

    Managing stress through relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga can help reduce the frequency and severity of GERD symptoms. Deep breathing exercises can also help reduce the chances of indigestion and acid reflux. 


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