Remember as kids we thought of learning judo, karate or fencing to vanquish evil?
When we dreamt of becoming a superhero and saving the world? We always believed
fighting against evil was our duty. This selfless duty is also fulfilled by the foods we
eat! The meals we consume have a profound impact on many aspects of our life, not
the least of which is defense against disease. With disorders like heart disease, obesity
and diabetes on the rise, it is essential to know which foods can help us fight against them.
While medications prescribed by doctors are irreplaceable for treatment, certain
foods are known to be beneficial while managing these diseases/disorders.
Heart disease
Heart disease today is the leading cause of death globally, with one person dying from
heart attack every 33 seconds in India alone.' It occurs due to blockages in blood vessels
and limited oxygen and nutrient supply to body tissues. The most dire outcome of this is
heart attack wherein the heart muscles begin to die due to lack of blood supply. This
leads to a life-long disease that requires management even post-operation as the
arteries remain damaged. These patients are advised to make major overhauls in their
diets, and foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial for these
people. Such foods have anti-inflammatory, antiarrhythmic effects and also help with
reducing "bad cholesterol".
The major sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fish oils, while some amounts can also
be obtained from walnuts, soyabean, flaxseed oil and spinach. In addition,
peanut and olive oils, almonds and cashews are also beneficial as they supply high
monounsaturated fatty acids (good fats).
Obesity, which casts its wide net of complications on nearly every system of the body,
affects two-thirds of adults all over the world.? The most common cause of obesity is
consuming more calories than spending them which then get deposited in the body as fat.
The solution is to eat low-calorie foods that provide necessary nutrients and are still filling,
Foods rich in fiber (cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables) can help feel full for longer, while
proteins (from legumes) help with metabolism and satiety after eating. In addition, capsaicin
(responsible for spiciness in chilli and peppers) also helps in weight reduction due to its fat
oxidation activity.
A disorder characterised by high blood glucose, diabetes is more common in India than
anywhere else in the world with 62 million people currently diagnosed with it. As with
heart disease, foods like fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products, whole grains and fish
and poultry in smaller quantities can supply unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial
for diabetics. The Mediterranean diet - characterised by consumption of olive oil and
nuts - was also found to help maintain low levels of insulin and blood glucose.
Thyroid disorders
Thyroid is a gland located in the throat that is important for controlling metabolism by
production of certain hormones. Imbalances of these hormones are associated with
several thyroid disorders that today affect about 42 million people in India.' Some of
these are influenced by nutrient levels - particularly low levels of iodine,
Vitamin D and B12, and selenium.
Iodine is obtainable from iodine fortified (iodised) salt, seaweeds and fish.
Vitamins B12 and D come mostly from animal sources, with cheese and mushrooms
being additional dietary sources of Vitamin D and dairy products for vitamin B12
Selenium is an essential element that is found in pomegranates, rice, tuna, yogurt,
whole wheat bread and Brazilian nuts.
Healthy diet is not just all salads and boredom. You can always garnish your meal
with these delicious delights that go the extra mile, defending you and still tasting awesome!