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  • Best Blood Purifier Foods: Know How to Clean Blood Naturally?

Best Blood Purifier Foods: Know How to Clean Blood Naturally?

HealthcareOnTime 2024-07-25 2024-07-26 3 Min Read
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  • Best Blood Purifier Foods

    Your blood is the carrier of oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body. It is also responsible for eliminating waste and other toxins from the body. That is why having clean and pure blood is crucial for long-term health. 

    The health of your blood is determined by various factors ranging from your lifestyle habits to any kind of medical disorders you have. Another major factor affecting blood health is the lack of certain nutrients in your food. 1

    Hence, to purify blood naturally, it is essential to have foods that detox your body. 

    Garlic, cruciferous vegetables, certain herbs like ginger and turmeric, and fruits like blueberries and apples are some of the top blood-purifying foods that work excellently well to detox the blood.  

    Did you know: 

    • Out of all blood disorders, anaemia is the most commonly occurring type. 2
    • According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 29.9% of all women aged between 15 to 49 years had anaemia in 2019.
    • These numbers rose to almost 40% in the case of children aged above 6 months and below 5 years in the same year (2019) 3
    • Apart from this, leukaemia, a type of blood cancer, was responsible for 3.1% of all cancer-related deaths globally in 2022. 4

    What Is Blood Purification? 

    Impurities in the blood lead to blood disorders. Anaemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia are common examples of such disorders. 5

    In addition, the continuous buildup of blood impurities increases the risk of organ failure, especially in the kidneys and liver. 

    Blood purification refers to the medical or natural processes that remove these impurities to detox blood and restore blood health. 6

    Why Is Blood Purification Important?  

    When combined with blood-purifying foods and other natural blood purifiers, blood purification methods can work wonders for your overall health. 

    Benefits Of Purified Blood for Health and Wellness 

    The blood plays an important role in controlling major functional processes in your body. Natural blood purifiers assist in enhancing the quality of blood by removing harmful materials from it, making it highly beneficial in the following ways—

    • Better transportation of nutrients, hormones, and oxygen across your internal organs like the kidneys, liver, lungs, intestines, etc.
    • Timely removal of waste products from your body 7
    • The correct maintenance of the body temperature. 
    • Protecting your internal organs against major and minor wounds with the help of clotting factors. 
    • Improving the functioning of your immunity system

    Hence, taking steps to detox the blood helps it get rid of impurities and more effectively perform all the above functions. 

    Common Signs and Symptoms of Impure Blood 

    The symptoms of impure blood depend on — 

    • The type of blood disorder you have 
    • The location of the organ that is affected
    • The component of the blood that is affected (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, or plasma)

    In general, a person having concerning levels of impure blood (that can be an indication of a blood disorder) starts feeling unwell for no obvious reason. This is usually followed by symptoms specific to —

    • White blood cell (WBC) disorders
    • Red blood cell (RBC) disorders
    • Blood clotting-related disorders

    Hence, you can book a blood test at home to understand more about how to purify blood naturally. This test analyses the current status of your blood health. It can help let you know which type of natural blood purifiers would be best according to your personal needs. 

    Expert-Proven Ways to Clean Blood Naturally - Top 12 Blood Purifier Foods 

    Blood-purifying foods detoxify your body to make it more functional and healthier. They help to clean blood naturally and eliminate the chances of blood disorders and other health issues that arise because of impure blood. 

    Garlic, coriander leaves, ginger, turmeric, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, blueberries, apples, and beetroot are some of the best blood purifier foods. Coffee and green tea are other natural blood purifiers to detox the blood. 

    1. Water 

    Your blood comprises as much as 90% of water. Therefore, drinking more and more water enhances the blood's capacity to deliver oxygen more efficiently to all body parts. 8

    Moreover, a lack of water in your body makes it difficult for your blood to maintain the body temperature as needed. As a result, you become less tolerant towards higher temperatures. 

    Water also plays a crucial role in naturally purifying blood by improving the processes of removing waste products from your body. Likewise, from the formation of urine to faeces to sweat, water is required for almost every type of waste elimination from the body. 

    Furthermore, it becomes thicker when there is insufficient water in the blood. This increases blood pressure, creating a greater risk of associated health problems. 

    Hence, while water might not be exactly one of the 'foods' that detox your body, it is the most natural blood purifier. 

    2. Garlic 

    Bad cholesterol is one of the most dangerous impurities that your blood can have. Excess fat in your blood leads to the buildup of bad cholesterol, which can ultimately result in a heart attack if not taken care of timely. 

    Garlic is considered the best blood purifier food because it helps to clean blood naturally by lowering cholesterol levels. 

    When the cholesterol levels in your body are balanced, your blood pressure also remains within the normal range. This is good for your overall health in the long run. Hence, garlic is among the top foods that detox your body. 9

    3. Cruciferous Vegetables 

    Cruciferous vegetables are nutrient-rich foods that detox your body. 

    They are considered good blood-purifying foods because they contain plenty of vitamins and minerals like—

    • Fibre: Fibre helps stabilise blood sugar and lowers blood cholesterol levels. 10
    • Vitamin C: Vitamin C enhances your body's ability to heal wounds. It also improves the absorption of iron in your blood. Iron deficiency is the major cause of anaemia (the most prominent blood disorder)
    • Vitamin K: Vitamin K is important for blood clotting. 
    • Folate (Vitamin B9): It is necessary for the formation of red blood cells (RBCs)

    Hence, to purify blood naturally, you must include the following cruciferous vegetables in your daily diet—

    • Broccoli 
    • Brussels sprouts 
    • Red cabbage
    • Cauliflower
    • Collard greens (frozen or boiled)
    • Turnip greens 

    4. Ginger  

    In Indian recipes, ginger, and garlic are often used in combination with each other. While they produce an appetising taste and have a distinct aroma, they are two essential foods that detox your body. 

    Many research studies suggest that ginger is a top blood purifier food because it lowers your —

    • Blood sugar (anti-diabetic in nature)
    • Risk of heart disease 11
    • Bad cholesterol

    So, to clean blood naturally, you can add ginger to your daily cooking. From ginger tea to non-vegetarian and vegetarian dishes, there are numerous ways to use ginger as a natural blood purifier. 

    5. Cilantro (Coriander Leaves) 

    Coriander leaves offer the following benefits—

    • Lowering blood sugar levels
    • Helping you fight against infections
    • Promoting heart health by decreasing bad cholesterol
    • Enhancing digestion
    • Improving brain functioning and skin health 12

    Blood is a primary component that dictates the functioning of the above-mentioned processes. Hence, coriander leaves are one of the best foods that detox your body as they enable your body to clean blood naturally.

    6. Blueberries  

    Frequently labelled as a "superfood," blueberries are one of the top options for the ability to clean blood naturally. They consist of approximately 85% water and are dense in nutrients such as—

    • Fibre
    • Vitamin C
    • Vitamin K
    • Manganese 13

    This is how blueberries work in your body to purify blood naturally:

    • First, they have plenty of antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol. This is important to protect your body against heart disease.  
    • Second, they have a significant impact on reducing your blood pressure levels. 
    • Third, in comparison to other fruits, blueberries have only a mild quantity of sugar. Hence, they enhance the blood sugar balance in your body and increase insulin sensitivity. 

    Blueberries are, therefore, among the top 10 foods that detox your body to protect it from heart disease and diabetes.

    7. Turmeric  

    Like ginger and garlic, turmeric is also an important ingredient commonly used in many delicious Indian recipes. Turmeric has long been known as one of the healthiest spices because of the following benefits—

    • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
    • It enhances the functioning of the liver
    • It has anti-cancer effects

    Apart from these, it also lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Hence, whether it is improved heart health or better digestion, turmeric is one of the best blood-purifying foods. 14

    8. Cayenne Pepper 

    As mentioned above, certain nutrients like vitamins A and C help purify blood naturally when taken regularly in your diet. Cayenne pepper has both of these, along with carotenoids, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin K. 15

    This makes cayenne pepper a good option on the list of the top 10 foods that detox your body. 

    9. Beetroot 

    Beetroots (particularly beetroot juice) are nutritious blood-purifying foods. They help to purify blood naturally because of the presence of nitrates. 

    Nitrates are natural chemicals that your body converts into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is essential to detox blood as it improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure. 16

    Apart from this, beetroots are also rich in nutrients, which your blood needs to clear out impurities. These nutrients include–

    • Folate
    • Potassium
    • Vitamin C
    • Fibre
    • Antioxidants

    Note that it is normal to observe a reddish colour in your urine when you start consuming beetroot juice. 

    10. Lemon  

    Drinking lemon water is one of many people's most popular remedies to detox the blood. But how does lemon help to purify blood naturally? Well, lemon is a citrus fruit which is packed with a lot of essential nutrients such as—

    • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that improves iron absorption and supports immunity.
    • Fibre, which is important for waste elimination. 17

    Moreover, lemons are good for heart health because they reduce cholesterol levels. Most importantly, the vitamin C content in lemons is high, and it keeps you safe from anaemia. 

    Therefore, lemon is one of the best citrus foods for detoxing your body. 

    11. Cranberries   

    Cranberries are another excellent blood purifier food among foods that detox your body. 

    Two primary ways in which they help to clean blood naturally include the following—

    • They help you to get rid of bad cholesterol and increase the levels of good cholesterol in your body.
    • They also lower blood pressure. 

    However, if you use cranberries as a natural blood purifier, especially to deal with cholesterol, you must drink low-calorie cranberry juice habitually. 18

    12. Apples  

    Apples contain plenty of—

    • Fibre
    • Vitamin C
    • Copper
    • Potassium
    • Vitamin K
    • Antioxidants
    • Water  19

    They help to purify blood naturally and decrease blood pressure, ultimately protecting you from the risk of stroke. 

    Medical Conditions Resulting from Impure Blood 

    When you do not adopt the correct methods to clean blood naturally, such as consuming foods that detox your body, impurities keep building up in your blood. After a while, this buildup results in a medical condition that can even be life-threatening if not treated timely. 

    Below, we have categorised different blood disorders that arise from impure blood based on how they affect the blood and its components.

    • Anaemia: This happens because of a reduction in the number of red blood cells (RBCs) in your blood.
    • Leukopenia: There is a decrease in the number of white blood cells (WBCs). 
    • Thrombocytopenia: It is a disorder of the platelets. 

    That's why it is important to include blood-purifying foods that detox your body in your daily diet. These foods not only help to detox blood but also provide a boost of nutrition, which is good for your overall health. 

    Which foods you should include will depend on your requirements; to get an idea about it, you can take a complete body checkup package. By analysing your overall health status, this test can help you determine what nutrients your body lacks so that you can modify your diet to purify blood naturally.


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